criminal law

criminal law

Kuwait’s criminal and penal law deals with felonies and misdemeanors of all kinds. We handle State security crimes and crimes against religion, crimes relating to public employees (bribery, corruption, misuse of public employment, escape of prisoners, aggression on public employees), misleading of justice, crimes against human beings (murder, injury, assault, endangering people, abortion, kidnapping, slavery, detention), crimes against honor and reputation (rape, adultery, offenses under the influence of alcohol, insults, disgraceful actions), and crimes against property (robbery, fraud, arson, piracy, vandalism, forgery, falsifying bank notes and government stamps).

Our highly experienced attorneys will aggressively defend your offenses and will explore all possible options to arrive at the best outcome. We fully understand the emotional distress that comes with being involved in a criminal case and so we work hard to secure acquittals and favorable plea bargains.

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